First off, all of us at FoCo Food Assistance would like to thank you for your continued readership. This is our 100th post! We are lucky to have such a devoted community; this blog would not be here without our readers.
As the centennial post, it seems only fitting that we discuss a very important topic. Nutritionally, humans need the 3 macronutrients—fats, protein, and carbohydrates. With the low-fat/non-fat movement of the 1970s, fats have struggled to regain their rightful place as an essential nutrient. (1)
For many, fat is considered the enemy—fats will make you gain weight, right? Not particularly. Too much of anything (fats, protein, or carbohydrates) will make you gain weight, but in proper amounts, all macronutrients are necessary.

So what makes fats so important?
-Vitamins A, D, E, and K are unable to be absorbed in the body without the presence of fat. That means that supplements containing these
vitamins should be taken with a meal that includes some healthy fats. (5)
-Fats (specifically cholesterol) keeps our cells healthy. Cholesterol makes up an integral part of cell membranes and keeps the membranes fluid. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to increase dietary cholesterol. In fact, your body can make it’s own cholesterol out of the three macronutrients! (2)
-Fats keep our brains healthy. 60% of our brain is made of fats, so without healthy dietary fat, our mental processes are more limited. (3) (4)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are essential for brain development, lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and may also help with depression (3) (4)
Saturated fats create the lining in our lungs and help them function well (4)
Fats provide a concentrated source of energy and help us keep our bodies warm

Everything in moderation. Too many saturated fats or omega-3’s will be harmful, but the right amount can keep you and your mind healthy.
Some good sources of fats include (7):
-Full-fat Greek yogurt
-Olive oil
-Fatty fish like salmon
-Dark chocolate
-Seeds (pumpkin, ground flax)

As always, check our Pantries page for the food pantries hours and eligibility requirements each week.
Visit for nutrition counseling, kombucha making, and cooking classes!