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Connecting the Community to Affordable Nutrition


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Food & Nutrition Tips

General nutrition advice, tips on eating on a budget, and proper food storage/handling


Listen to our guest appearance on The Health Chic podcast talking about using food pantries, eating healthy on the cheap, and getting the best grocery deals.  

Our nutrition blog below will be updated with general nutrition advice, tips on eating on a budget, and proper food storage/handling. If you have specific questions, please contact us and we'll be happy to address it.

Always consult your physician for individual health advice or make an appointment with one of our nutritionists by clicking the button below. 


Soup Kitchen

Saturday- Larimer County Farmers' Market

Farmers and locals can mutually support each other every Saturday morning from 8am-12pm at the Larimer County Farmers' Market. ....

Fri., July 7- Pizza & Other Freebies!

This Friday, July 7, Fort Collins has two great deals for scoring free food. 1. Grand Opening of MidiCi The Neapolitan Pizza Company...

4th of July at Mackenzie Place!

Mackenzie Place, a senior living residence, is hosting an open 4th of July block party. There is no admission charge and they will be...

Free Friday Downloads at King Soopers

King Soopers gives away a free food product every Friday through their Free Friday Download. Get a King Soopers bonus card from their...

Daily Fruit & Veggie Servings

How many servings of fruits & vegetables should adults eat each day? 5 total: 2 cups fruit + 3 cups of veggies A measure of 1 cup is...

Bike to Work Day

If you bike to work or school this Wed., June 28, 2017, you'll earn yourself some free food starting at 6:30am and ending at 9:30am. View...


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