A few exciting announcements from FoCo Food Assistance...
1. First, FoCo Food Assistance is now run by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). What does that mean? If you or anyone you know is looking for low-cost (lowest in Fort Collins!) nutrition counseling or help with food security, you may visit our sister site to make an appointment: ZEST Nutrition.

2. FoCo Food Assistance is looking for 2 bloggers: one to focus on Deals on Meals in Fort Collins and one to focus on nutrition tips. If you have a passion for either of these topics and have great writing skills, please email Colleen to volunteer as a blogger once per week. Write from home on your schedule. cewysocki73@gmail.com
This is a great opportunity to build your resume!

As always, we welcome website suggestions and relevant questions at any time.
See you at the CSU Mobile Pantry tonight!