I am thankful that we live in a community that feels no one should go hungry on Thanksgiving. Below are places to eat, obtain free food, or get a good deal on dinner this week.

Tues., 11/21
THANKSGIVING MEAL - FORT COLLINS RESCUE MISSION Thanksgiving themed dinner open to anyone in need.
Fort Collins Rescue Mission, 316 Jefferson St.
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Wed., 11/22
Bring a dish to share
2724 McClelland Dr., #190
THANKSGIVING VOUCHERS—SALVATION ARMY Provides vouchers to eat a Thanksgiving meal at a local restaurant on Nov. 22 between 4-7p.m. Vouchers available on a first come, first served basis.
3901 S Mason St.

Thurs., 11/23
Pay-what-you-can Thanksgiving dinner served.
225 Maple St.
Turkey will be provided. Bring a dish to share!
255 Old Firehouse Alley
Turkey, ham, gravy, and stuffing will be provided. Bring a side dish to share!
1815 Yorktown Ave.
THANKSGIVING MEAL - CATHOLIC CHARITIES Thanksgiving themed lunch open to anyone in need. Walk in to participate at 460 Linden Center Dr.
As always, the details for local pantries' can be viewed on our Food Pantries page.