Happy summer!
We're told this is the time of fun and relaxation, but it also brings with it busy schedules and stretched budgets. Below are just a few of the great deals around town that can help those food dollars go further.
We'd love your input, so please leave your comments with any other great opportunities you have found!
Fort Collins is famous for being a biking town, strewn with gorgeous paths connecting all parts of the city to parks, the Poudre River, and hiking trails. Bike to Work Day is a celebration of all those that bike, whether it's just one day a year or the everyday bike commuters. This Wednesday, June 26th, you'll find 68 free breakfast stations across most of town between 6:30 and 9:30 a.m.
Eating out can be a lot of fun, but can cost as much as the rest of the week's food budget. Finding two for one deals helps a ton. The Olive Garden has a special just for you: buy one $12.99 meal and get one free to take home!
If you would rather shop local farm fresh food, keep in mind that there are a number of Farmer's Markets around Fort Collins each week. You can find a lot of great deals if you shop close to the end of their day when folks are packing up stands and would rather send produce home with you than have to carry it off themselves. Just remember that our farmers work hard to produce our food and be sure to thank them for all they do! For current deals and promotions, be sure to follow the Larimer County Farmer's Market on FaceBook.

For those of you that can take the time to pop down to Loveland, the trip will be worth it if you stock up on supplies at Esh's Market. They feature some truly deep discounts on a huge variety of food. Be sure to leave yourself enough time to browse their small warehouse size store, you'll be surprised every time at the great things you'll find! They are located at 375 W 71st St or 4221 W Eisenhower Blvd and are open Mon-Sat 9:00-6:00.
When you are struggling to make ends meet with children to care for, the challenge to provide nutritious food becomes even greater. The people at Poudre School District understand and are doing what they can to help parents out. Children can receive free breakfast and lunch, while parents pay only $2.15 for breakfast and $3.75 for lunch at three locations around town.

Well, that is it for now. We'll be back soon with more great deals. Until then, please be sure to comment with any free or low cost food you have discovered. We would love to hear from you!