Ice cream, a lu'au, and free breakfast are the highlights this week. Always be sure to check out the food pantries around town, FoCo Cafe free lunch, Esh's Discount Grocery store, and Vindeket Foods. More information on our website: https://zestnutrition.wixsite.com/focofoodassistance
Tues., 4/24
CSU Campus- Lory Student Center Plaza
Visit the HABIC dogs (Human Animal Bond of Colorado) for FREE ice cream & fruit bars
500 University Ave., 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Enjoy breakfast at 9am.
225 Maple St.
Wed., 4/25
"Potluck" style of a dozen of their favorite Max Living recipes! At Forever Young, they will also be covering:
The type of lifestyle to maintain that can add decades to your life
Discover anti-aging secrets that make you feel like a kid again
Leave with action steps to help prevent common diseases associated with "old age" and add life to your living
Mountain Valley Family Chiropractic, 115 E. Harmony Rd, Ste. 200

Fri., 4/27
Free wine, cheese, crackers, and salami!
2100 W. Drake Rd.
Sat., 4/28
Specialty Appliance, 3710 Mitchell Dr., 11am-3pm

Join the RKV staff on the Monfort Quad for a free end of year picnic! We will be celebrating our awesome year at Ram Kidz Village with food & games. Feel free to bring food to share if you want to! 11am
Free cheese & crackers with your wine tasting.
2201 S. College Ave., 12-3:45pm

Featuring an all you can eat buffet of delicious Hawaiian food,
performances from 36 individuals from a local hālau, and a drawing for some phenomenal Hawaiian items!
5:00pm-7:30pm in LSC Ballrooms ABC&D
Tickets are available through the box office or online at csutix.com