Raisin' Roots Farm has a great volunteer opportunity that benefits both the farm and you:

What: Weeding, planting, harvesting at Raisin’ Roots Farm
Current Volunteer Hours: Tues.-Fri., 6am-2pm.
If you can make it during those hours, the farm would be happy to have you.
“We usually take lunch from 10:30 to 11:30am. You are welcome to bring your own lunch and take a snooze in the shade under the apple trees if you care to stick around or work after lunch with us!”
Learn how to farm
Free veggies, eggs, seedling starts; a 4-5 hour shift is what is asked to be able to send you home with the equivalent of what a paying share member receives
OR bank hours towards future harvest weeks
Counts as service hours for certain classes like FSHN 500
Bring: hat, sunscreen, water bottle, gloves, closed-toed shoes, & lunch
Parking: Park your car/bicycle on the wood chips to either side of the main gate located on the south side of Vine Dr. Until you get to know the dogs, call Ben so one of the staff can meet you up front to open the gate for you to enter.
Contact Information: Ben Pfeffer Raisin’ Roots Farm 2229 West Vine Dr. Fort Collins, CO 80521. cell: (443) 863-0677
Text Ben at: (443) 863-0677 to tell him when you are heading over.